Norditropin® [somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection] Nordiflex® has the same 191 amino acid sequence
human growth hormone resulting in a high quality and highly purified product with no side effects
associated with injection, such as red rash or welts at the injection site. Norditropin® is produced by
Novo Nordisk. Norditropin® is also available in a Pen which allows a patient to automatically measure
and administer their prescribed dosage without having to measure each dose in a syringe or mix water
with the polypeptides. The Nordiflex® Pen is also very convenient for people who are on the go or travel
frequently as it doesn’t have to be refrigerated after activation. Norditropin Nordiflex® is most commonly
used by people seeking to slow or reverse the effects of aging, build lean muscle, burn fat, and many
other benefits.
Norditropin Nordiflex® is also very popular with bodybuilders, athletes, and celebrities. Founded in 1922
in Denmark where it is currently Headquartered Novo Nordisk has over 32,000 employees in 179
countries and did over $9 billion dollars in revenue in 2012. The firm specializes in human growth